Tervetuloa kotisivuillemme!


Our Dogs

Tervetuloa kotisivuillemme!


  Esittely * Esittely
Our Lhasa Apsos * Meidän Lhasa Apsot
Pentuja * Pentuja



Tavoitteena onnelliset ja terveet Tiibetiläiset

Kennelin historiaa, Kiinnostukseni tiibettiläisiin rotuihin alkoi jo pienenä. Silloin meillä oli pari venäjänvinttikoiraa… lue lisää

Yhteystiedot Yhteystiedot

Sähköposti: yarmilan@gmail.com


YouTube Yarmilan channel

Kuinka valmistautua koiranäyttelyyn

Today, I thought I'd write about how we prepare for dog shows. I want to divide the preparation into two parts: general maintenance and specific preparations for the show. The truth is, you can't just wave a magic wand over your dog the night before a show and expect...

Lhasa apson kiehtova historia: Miten ympäristö on muovannut tämän ainutlaatuisen rodun?

The Lhasa Apso is a small but elegant dog with long, dense. Its appearance is often compared to a lion cub, which is where one of its names, "Tibetan Lion Dog," comes from. Coat: The Lhasa Apso's hallmark is its long, dense coat that grows all the way to the ground....

Olen aloittanut opiskelemaan Koirahierojan ammattitutkintoa

I have been taking my dogs to massage irregularly and have seen good results. Their muscles have become more flexible and their movements have become freer. I have been fascinated by massage for a long time and years ago I took a dog massage course at the Workers'...

Uutisia Yarmilan kennelistä keväällä 2023

Our website has been a bit dormant for a while now, with no updates. The reason for this has been that I have been studying for a degree in bachelor of business administration alongside my work and everyday life as a dog breeder is pretty hectic anyway. However, now...

Sivuston kääntäminen

Sivuston käännöstyö on alkanut ja tarkoitus on muokata sivustoa niin että kieli on helposti vaihdettavissa sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Olisi mukava saada käännökset myös ruotsiksi, mutta aika ja muut resurssit ovat rajalliset.

Kuinka kasvattaa ja ylläpitää Lhasa apson tai Tiibetinterrierin kaunista näyttelyturkkia Osa 1: Perusteet

  Growing a beautiful long coat for a Lhasa Apso or a Tibetan Terrier is not rocket science. Of course, it does take some effort but with a few basic rules, the right equipment and a little dedication, it is not overwhelming. The coat quality should be hard and...

Tervetuloa 2020

When I read the blog post from the end of 2018 and hopes for year 2019, I have to admit that it did not go as planned. Quite few things usually does go right as planned so you have to improvise. We didn't show so many times and had only one litter of 2 puppies.  But...

Kiitos 2018 ja tervetuloa 2019!

Year 2018 has been again quite busy for us with moving to a new house, new job, etc. There has been many ups and downs so dog shows and updating website hasn't been the top priority. Let's hope 2019 will be a little less hectic and there is more time to hobbies as...

Meillä on pentuja!

  5 boys and 1 girl was born 22nd March 2018. All the puppies are now reserved or in their new homes / Kaikki pennut ovat jo varattuja tai uusissa kodeissaan.  5 boys and 1 girl was born 22nd March 2018. Some boys available / Poikia vapaana varattaviksi...

Yarmilan Murphy’s Irish Red show results!

As I have been late on updating the show news, I will publish some highlights of Ronny's aka Yarmilan Murphy's Irish Red show results of this year. Ronny turned 15 months in late March and from the first possible show in Lahti IDS he won his first CACIB...

Lhasa pojat ⇑ tytöt ⇓

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13 + 1 =
