kirjoittanut admin | loka 25, 2024 | Showing & grooming
How to prepare for dog shows Today, I thought I’d write about how we prepare for dog shows. I want to divide the preparation into two parts: general maintenance and specific preparations for the show. The truth is, you can’t just wave a magic wand over...
kirjoittanut admin | loka 8, 2024 | Everyday life at Yarmilan kennel
The Fascinating History of the Lhasa Apso: How the Environment Shaped This Unique Breed The Lhasa Apso is a small but elegant dog with long, dense. Its appearance is often compared to a lion cub, which is where one of its names, “Tibetan Lion Dog,” comes...
kirjoittanut admin | maalis 20, 2024 | Everyday life at Yarmilan kennel
I have started to study Dog Massage I have been taking my dogs to massage irregularly and have seen good results. Their muscles have become more flexible and their movements have become freer. I have been fascinated by massage for a long time and years ago I took a...
kirjoittanut admin | huhti 14, 2023 | Everyday life at Yarmilan kennel
News from Yarmilan kennel Spring 2023 Our website has been a bit dormant for a while now, with no updates. The reason for this has been that I have been studying for a degree in bachelor of business administration alongside my work and everyday life as a dog breeder...
kirjoittanut admin | huhti 21, 2020 | Everyday life at Yarmilan kennel
Sivuston käännöstyö on alkanut ja tarkoitus on muokata sivustoa niin että kieli on helposti vaihdettavissa sekä suomeksi että englanniksi. Olisi mukava saada käännökset myös ruotsiksi, mutta aika ja muut resurssit ovat rajalliset.