Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu

Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu with her brother as puppies.

Let me introduce our new black beauty, Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu. She came to us last October (2014) from Czech Republic when she was 4 months old puppy. I fell in love with her right away. I have dreamed about a black Lhasa Apso bitch for as long as I have ever wanted a lhasa and now I finally got her.

Kun Vixin kasvattaja Eliska Vaskova, kennel Dar Tibetu, julkaisi kuviaan vastasyntyneestä pentueestaan, jossa oli syntynyt useita mustia pentuja, innostuin välittömästi. Valitettavasti kuitenkin pentueessa oli vain yksi narttupentu ja olin varma että Eliska haluaa pitää sen. Toki tykkäsin paljon veljeksistäkin, erityisesti Valiantista, mutta narttu sopi paremmin meidän tilanteeseen.
Olinkin todella iloinen kun tapasin Eliskan Helsingin Maailmanvoittajanäyttelyssä 2014 ja hän kertoi minulle ilouutiset että saimme ostaa tämän ihanaisen mustan narttupennun

Tietenkään väri ei ollut syy, miksi halusin pennun juuri tästä pentueesta. Olimme tehneet Eliskan kanssa yhteistyötä ja hänen kaksi erityistä urostaan olivat olleet meillä jalostuslainassa. Koska kasvatustyöni on pienimuotoista, ei minulla ollut mahdollista teettää niin monta pentuetta näistä uroksista, eikä minulle jäänyt niin paljon käytännössä jatkojalostukseen näistä linjoista. Sen takia olin niin kiinnostunut saamaan lisää tätä verta jalostusohjelmaani.

Talisman Dar Tibetu

Talisman Dar Tibetu

The sire of Vixi is BISS CIB Multi Ch. Talisman Dar Tibetu. He is a nice black boy with excellent size, outine, angulations, body and absolutely fantastic character. I love him so much! His parents were also really fantastic lhasas, his sire had the longest and best angulated forearms I have ever seen in a lhasa. And that showed in his movement even when he was a very old dog when I saw him.

Ch. Le Sajnim Indian Dream

Ch. Le Sajnim Indian Dream

The dam of Vixi is the sweet Tracy, CIB Multi Ch. Electra Dar Tibetu, who herself has been very successful in show rings (for example she won her class in Crufts 2011). She has got very nice puppies in her previous litter with our Fred (BISS CIB Multi Ch. Kai-La-Sha Fire Power), where there’s several champions and even BIS- and BIG-placements. I had a feeling that if she did so well with Fred, she can do really well with Talisman too.

Electra Dar Tibetu

Electra Dar Tibetu

The sire of Tracy is BISS CIB Multi Ch. Simbad Del Alcazar. Simbad has many wonderful offsprings in Europe and he is very handsome and playful lhasa boy.


Vixi has been shown for a couple of times so far with excellent critics. She also has gained her first CAC. I have very high hopes for her future. She is the ideal sized lhasa lady, 24 cm, is very balanced in every way. She has the most beautiful head and expression, excellent neck, angulations, body, loin and tail carriage. She really can move, not only her sidegait, but the front and rear movement are really going where they should.

Thank you Eliska for this wonderful black girl!

Here is Vixi’s Facebook album

Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu

Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu

Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu

Vixi Viki Dar Tibetu
