I wanted to have a female puppy out of our beautiful little American star Salsa (Kai-La-Sha Sweet Salsa). Salsa’s first litter had four handsome boys and only one beautiful girl and Petra was stubborn enough to convince me to give the only girl for her. So I had to wait for the next litter. Because Salsa is such a wonderful with her flashy but still groundcovering movement, I wanted to mate her with one of our best moving boys. That was our youngster at the time, now CIB and multi Ch. Yarmilan Murphy’s Irish Red “Ronny”. One reason was also because I always would have wanted to mate Ronny’s mother (CIB Multi Ch. Yarmilan Yo-Ba Kamala) with our Fred (half-brother to Salsa, CIB CH. Kai-La-Sha Fire Power). I was convinced that it would have been a perfect combination, but unfortunately we were never able to make it happen.
Salsa got amazing 7 puppies, witch was quite much considering she is a tiny 23 cm bitch. All the puppies were as expected, different shades of sables. Already from the birth, this darkest girl caught my eye. I loved her head, long and muscular hindlegs and the front assembly as much as it was possible to assess from the first moments. When the puppies started to stand and run (they skipped the walking part :D), it was each day more clear who I was going to leave home.
Ebba has been a very stubborn and not the easiest Lhasa to live with, but she has always had some kind of spark in her eyes that makes me forgive her everything. She thinks she is the biggest queen of world.
She was very unlucky to get a very serious pyometra before she turned 2 years old. It was so close call that we would have lost her. It wasn’t even possible to operate her as she was so poorly. But lucky she recovered well with antibiotics and hormone treatments. When she started to have same kind of symptoms the following spring, I didn’t even think about other choices and had her sterilized at once. So we had to say goodbye for any possible puppy plans for her.
Also her coat had suffered from all the hormone treatments and being unbalanced long after that. So we had to cut her coat also.
Of course it was very sad that she had to go through all that, but now she is doing really well and we are very happy we still have her <3 Sometimes the more difficult ones are so precious!
Looking forward to having Ebba back in the showrings from Spring 2020!
Some of Ebba’s relatives (click on the picture to get it bigger)
CIB CH. Ti La Shu O’Kamala *Imp DE*
Great-grandmother by sire’s maternal side CIB CH. Ti La Shu O’Kamala
CIB Multi Ch. Yarmilan Yo-Ba Kamala wins BIS-vet
Ebba’s paternal grandmother CIB Multi Ch. Yarmilan Yo-Ba Kamala

Ebba’s pedigree in the Finnish Kennel Club database:
Ebba’s photo album in our Facebook page: