Last year was once again fantastic year, even if we had a bit bad luck with puppies. We did have two wonderful litters, 5 beautiful Bedlington Terrier puppy boys and the long waited litter out of our queen bitch the lhasa CIB Multi Ch. Yarmilan Yo-Ba Kamala, she got only 1 boy, but o’boy what a handsome puppy! He sure is a future star! We will introduce him and the fantastic bedlington boys later.

The dog shows gave us plenty of success, in January we got a new Champion when LA Yarmilan Smell The Magic finished his FI Ch. Now he has gained more titles and is Nordic & FI & SE & DK & EE & LV Champion! Way to go Choco and Anu <3
Later we got another new champion when TT Yarmilan Back To Lövskär finished her Estonian and Finnish Champion titles.

One of the Highlights of the year was Tibetan Dog Europe 2016 speciality show. We did pretty well. BOB and BIS 4 Tibetan breed Ch. Yarmilan Smell The Magic, BOB junior, res-CAC, 4th best dog and AWA SKAR 2016 Yarmilan Trick of The Wrist, BOS junior, 3rd best bitch, res-CAC and AWA SKAR MO 2016 Vixie Viki Dar Tibetu, Yarmilan Horns and Halos was 2nd in junior class with CAC-quality, Yarmilan Dropkick Murphys 2nd in intermediate class with CAC-quality. Yarmilan breeders group was BOB breeders group.

We have had some other fantastic results too, but they seem to bee a little old for now. Now we are looking forward to the future. We have some very exciting puppy plans and some other plans as well. Stay tuned and have a great 2016!

Yarmilan lhasa apsos
